life thus far has been interesting. However, I am not bitter. I have learned from mistakes, learned from other people. I guess the best part of being who I am is that I have learned from everyone and everything around me. My life is nothing extraordinary...I am not a new mom, not doing anything that some would seem exceptional...I am just living for living. On May 3rd, I graduate with my BSN...yes, another degree. But this desire to learn has led to me knowing that I won't be satisified with that degree. I do feel another degree in my mists...but...that won't start for at least a year...maybe 2. Once I am done with school this May...I am going to be focusing a lot of time and energy on learning how to be a GREAT ICU nurse. Not the typical run of the mill kinda, but a great one. My parents are coming out in 10 days! I can't wait. I feel like I haven't seen them in forever, yet I know their time here is going to go by way to fast. All I can assure you is that there will be of whatever it is we do. Well...I don't know if there is anything else for me to say right now...I gotta get some homework done. So...I guess it is...BYE FOR NOW!