I am the newest employee at Lehigh Valley Hospital...I will be working on the MICU/SICU 7p-7a....they don't do as much as my old banner home, but I am still excited. CVVH is a skill that I will get to learn...but that is not for a little while yet. I start November 3....I will be on orientation for 6 weeks...so for the first 6 weeks I won't have weekends nor holidays to work...I will have a M-F 7-430 job...I don't know what I am going to do. So...now that I am employed...I am just waiting for Joe to get some work...which incidently he also heard from Lehigh Valley Hospital...he is trying to continue his work in behavioral health so he is going to try to take the CNA job there and well that is always good because there will always be work there. Well that is all I have to update on..hope all is well.