Thursday, January 7, 2010

Can't do it alone...

I have been overwhelmed lately. Really really overwhelmed, and after talking with my sister, I have decided that I can't do it all by myself. I have thought and prayed about what to do next, and I think I need to start with stepping down from teaching PREP classes. Yes, I know I was looking at it, but right now, I don't really need that on my plate. Working 60 hours a week is going to be hard enough, I don't think I should add that as well. I am still planning on reading the Bible over the next year, but since that is a little bit at a time. I have also decided that I can't lose weight on my own. I did well before the nuptials with Weight Watchers, so I think that is the path I am going to choose again. I know that it was easier for me to be honest when I had to report to someone other than myself, and it is only $18/month. I deserve to spend that on myself. Besides, with our year anniversary only 7 months away, here is my chance to get myself back to the wedding weight, or better yet to be in even better shape. So, while I didn't join today *funds are tight here at the igloo, but will be better shortly, I will be joining no later than next week. Hopefully no later than early Feb I will be back on track and on my way to better health. Maybe with my income tax refund I can join a gym...hmmm...


rockle said...

if you do join a gym, make sure it is close to WORK and not close to home, so you can go either right before work or right after. i know lots of people - myself included - who can come up with 100 rationalizations in the car on their way home for why they have to do "all these other things" before they go work out, and before you know it you're asleep on the couch with a half-gallon of butter brickle ice cream in your hair. it's a bad scene.

also: are you getting your taxes done, or using turbo tax, or what? i would do this ASAP, because the first year we were married, we were SHOCKED at our return ... because we owed A LOT of money (~$1k). be prepared, just in case.

Anonymous said...

i can pay for this week do have to do what you can laundry room open

mom said...

just so you know nana is making pepper pot today she asked when you have off if you cant make it call and i'll put some aside or come tomorrow you can call her either way love mom