Monday, October 8, 2012

Fire Prevention Week

This week at Makayla's Day Care is Fire Prevention Week. They have awesome activities lined up, so I thought it was awesome that our local Fire Department had an open house yesterday. I ended up keeping 14 of the photos I took, I took what feels like a ton. I thought I would share a little bit all week in honor of Fire Prevention Week.
Thank you Palmer Municipal Fire Department for hosting this open house!
 When we got to the firehouse, we were encouraged to tour the facility. It is really nice, and they had tables set up to help yourself to one of almost every possible fire safety brochure out there. Makayla even picked out her hat to wear!

Part of the tour included looking at the firemen gear, and they even allowed you to try it on! Makayla couldn't wait, and was a trooper. Even though the coat weighed more than her!


She was so excited to be able to sit in EVERY.SINGLE fire truck as many times as she wanted. This was our first stop. This was before she realized she was allowed to "steer" them.

The worse part of the day was when we were leaving. Makayla didn't want to leave and she was tired, so she cried. Even the fire dog couldn't cheer her up! Stayed tuned for more pictures!
In the meantime, today is Columbus Day and Makayla and her cousin Shae are currently in the bathtub getting cleaned up to go on some mischievous adventures. No, not really, I am hoping to go to a Pumpkin Patch with them today. I will take my camera and make sure to take pictures! I hope you have a great Monday, it's chilly so bundle up!

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