Thursday, November 4, 2010

I've got a feeling...

Well, actually it wasn't me that had a feeling...I felt a feeling. Yeah, something like that. Today while at the doctor's the sweet babe got the hiccups. It was the first time I think she ever had the hiccups, and it was absolutely adorable. Well, in a weird feeling kind of way. My stomach kept jumping up and down...and then every time she had the hiccups you could "hear" it on the heart beat monitor. It was awesome. Too bad hubs wasn't there, although it did last for about a half hour and every time she did hiccup, my stomach moved up and down. It's amazing what she does in there. Oh, yeah...I also wanted to share that today, during my ultrasound the babe was laying completely outstretch across my belly. OK, that is all I have to share today. Oh, and we started Christmas shopping today. And, we are almost finished. WOW!


Brittany said...


Thats so exciting!

I miss having a baby kicking in my tummy!

mom said...

not too much longer now and we'll be seeing everything !!!! love mom

rockle said...

ha ... you're almost done, and i've barely even started yet. it's like opposite world. dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!