Saturday, April 4, 2009

124 days (Fridays post just late)

So again, I missed my morning walk with my kids. But, I so enjoyed sleep so much better. At least I walked the afternoon with them even though Joe just wanted me to stay in bed and snuggle. I also continue to do 8 minute arms and ww of course. My weigh in day is quickly approaching and man am I nervous. I have to remember that this might be higher than expected bc my start weight was what I weighed a month ago so might not be a weight at where I was actually a week ago. That being said...that will be my starting point and I will go from there. I also know that I will only get 1 walk in tomorrow er today, but I will try to get 2. Sat is Shae's bday party and I am going to walk the dogs as soon as I get home like I always do on work days, then try to pass out until people show up...and if I need to escape, I will walk them again and hopefully will have time for a little nap before I work again. That is all for now. Really, my life is boring outside of walking the dogs and work and all. I will keep you posted if something fun happens.

Until then...
Happy exercising

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