Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So, I am at work and I had a free moment. I checked my email and had email from the AACN. Anyway, on the email was a link to the FDA. More specifically the FDA : Center for Devices and Radiologic Health. While perusing the website, I found this one particular section entitled Luer Misconnections. The picture I am about to show you is from there.

I just have to ask how? why? what nursing school did you go to? and again HOW!!! For those of my readers that might not know what is wrong in this picture let me explain it to you... the white "receiving" end is a tracheostomy that provides an airway for the patient. The orange end is the end of tube feeding. The patient's nutrition instead of going into their stomach is actually going directly into their lungs. If that isn't bad enough...can someone explain this one to me...

I can't even begin to understand how someone made that connect. I guess it just goes to show you that if you don't stop and think, or if you are unsure of something maybe you really should ask for help? But come on really, TF into a trach? An air compression hose into an iv? I don't even have words to try to comprehend this.

1 comment:

rockle said...

wait until you have children and they figure out how to get peanut butter sandwiches into dvd players.