Friday, August 31, 2012

It's the end of the month!!

Wow, can you believe that August is over already?!?! Where has the summer gone? This weekend is a long weekend for most of us, me included. Tomorrow is going to be a super busy day, but before I get into that, I want to recap about a little challenge that I participated in.  Somehow I found this challenge on facebook where the challenge was to do at least 50 crunches or twists everyday for a month. I signed up to do it, and I followed through. I actually enjoy the fact that I work up a sweat while doing the ab circuit that I was doing.  In 31 short days, here are the results...
While I know that the changes aren't drastic, they are there. I am going to keep doing the ab circuit this month, I am just going to step it up a notch. If the changes are appearing after 1 short month, I am excited to see what the changes will continue to look like down the road :) OK, enough about the ego boost...
Tomorrow, I am running 8 miles. 8 miles. OK, there I said it. I am not dreading it anymore. No, I was never dreading it, more scared about it. Since I went to physical therapy for my IT Band, I haven't had any "pain" running. Now that I am stepping up the mileage, I am nervous to find out what will happen. But, I will take it slow and steady, and finish the 8 miles, with a smile. After running tomorrow I have a wedding shower to attend. I am looking forward to it, there is something about celebrating some one's love that makes everyone smile. After the shower, is a Picnic at my uncle's house. Hopefully, the weather will allow for some swimming because besides M loving the water, I am sure my joints will appreciate the water.
I am not sure if anything is in the works for Sunday, but I am sure it will involve me hanging out with my mom. She's kinda awesome! Monday of course is labor day and a day off of work, again will probably consist of hanging out with my mom.
Anyway, I hope August was special for you, and that you are hanging on to the summer like we are.  While I am ready for the fall, I am wanting time to slow down, I don't want my sweet little girl to grow up too fast.
Happy Friday!


jenna said...

wow! great results this month! the pics definitely dont lie! keep up the great work! spa love!

Sweat Is My Sanity said...

Kids grow so fast, that's why I named my family blog These Are The Days, because before I know it they'll be over. Glad to have found you on twitter and I look forward to following your fitness journey. :-) Jessica Washburn