Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Trusty Tuesdays

I have no idea while my post is titled that, I  am not very good at naming the blog posts. I just let things flow from my brain, sometimes filtered, sometimes not. Sometimes things just came up. Like today. Err um this morning.  I woke up, did my awesome ab workout (did I just say that?!?) and then wanted to run. But, Joe wasn't home from work yet and M was still sleeping so I didn't. I went to work and then came home. The sunset was beautiful so I hoped that the night was going to be a good one to run. I packed up M and we headed out.  I love these twilight runs with her, she chatters on about finding her moon, looking for woof-woofs, and blue bye-byes, and all the fun little things that come out of her mouth. She likes it when I go fast, and whenever I stop to catch my breath she always says "uh-oh." She cracks me up. She doesn't like it when I ask her if she wants to go for a walk with me, but as soon as I ask her if she wants to run with me, her face lights up.  I even busted out the headlight, which by the way is uncomfortable and hard to do. Maybe I need a new headlight?!? Anyone out in the blogiverse, have any suggestions? I have to admit I wish running with the jogging stroller was getting easier, although I have only been doing it for not even 3 weeks.  It does count as a good cross-training right?!?

Anyway, I wanted to put into this writing so that I can remind myself of what I want to achieve....
1- I want to run a marathon. A FULL Marathon. But, I don't want it to be just any marathon, I want it to be flat, particularly by the beach, with some of my BCR friends, no family, there cheering me on.
2- I want to run an ultra. Nothing like Decker, but something fun and new and exciting. I guess anything over 13.1 miles will be new and exciting.
3- I want to do a chocolate run in Canada. This particular race. Not necessarily May of next year, it depends on finances and vacation time at work, but it looks tempting. I would love to take my running internationally :)
4- I want to do a triathlon
5- I want to conquer 10 full reps of the stairs at Lafayette
Those are the first 5 things that popped off the top of me head. I reserve the right to add to the list. I hope one day I can look back and be like wow, what kind of kid wrote those?!? LOL!

Anyway, speaking of steps, tomorrow is my day off and I have a date with Bob and those killer steps at Lafayette.  That is after hopefully spending all day with M, well I will be spending all day with her, to visit a daycare, lunch with some friends, hopefully seeing my cousin's baby, then finishing the day off with the steps and some where in there a trip to the gym. I think I am going to need a day off to recover from my day off. But anyway I get to spend time with M is time well spent. I love all of these adventures that we go on, I am excited to see what tomorrow brings. Until then!

Hope you had a sweat-tastic Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

whats up ? dad is leaving for chicago saturday after work...coming back monday night

thewwchick said...

Those are awesome goals!!!! I need to pick new ones for myself.