Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Catch up!

I really feel like I need to play catch up sometimes. Today, was an unplanned trip to the beach. By unplanned I am saying that last night at 9 pm we left for the beach. We got there at a little before midnight, til we unwound and was able to get M to go back to sleep it was probably close to 1 am. We were back up at 6 and she was ready to go! She was awake all day until we put her in her car seat at 4pm to leave. She passed out before we even left the driveway and slept until we stopped to eat. She really is a good passenger, and all this traveling is making me excited about her upcoming first plane ride! Anyway,  I wanted to reflect on something that I have been thinking about since yesterday...
So, Joe now works 11p-730am. My routine here has to be adapted in order to still continue with the gym and well life in general. Anyway, yesterday was a run day. So, without hesitation I figured out how to adapt my schedule to still achieve my run. Well, I busted out this handy dandy thing. I have to say that I naively thought that it couldn't be that hard if I see people racing all the time pushing their strollers.Well, after 3 miles, I looked like this...
This was only 3 miles! I am glad that I was able to run while pushing M, and at the same time I have gained a lot of respect for those moms/dads who run pushing their children in the jogging strollers. They make it look VERY easy! I am currently training for a half marathon, so I know I really can't afford to not run. So, now I am trying to figure out how to be creative to get my workouts in. This week I have figured out how to still get my runs in, get my daughter out there with me, since I thank her every day for everything.  Well, this is where I put things into perspective. My daughter is approximately 28 pounds. I started getting teary eyed when I reflected on how hard running was for me not just 28# ago, but also 57# ago. I still get teary eyed thinking about that.

Anyway, I had no plans to run today (I lie!) I packed to run, but didn't know if I was going to feel like running. I slept on the floor last night and felt a little sore from yesterday so I set out to run a mile. I ran 3 instead. There is something said to go set out to run 1 mile and run 3.

So, here is to all of the little things that we do that everyday that amazes us. Here are to all the little milestones we meet. Hopefully together we will all achieve our own greatness and all feel more comfortable in our skin. I hope we give 100% in all we do, if we don't care for ourselves, who will. I have a destination wedding and a trip to Florida next year, the Game is on suckers! I am stepping it up so that I know I will feel comfortable at the destination wedding. I know it's not about me, but I also want to feel comfortable in whatever I wear and be proud of how far I have gone. There is no turning back, I am not the same person I was when I began the journey a year ago, and I am excited to see who I will become in the next year.
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I chose to be the best Michele I can be. If that means I look like a fool doing crunches on the beach, then be it. At least I know I am doing everything I can to widdle away the middle! A stronger core will help my self-esteem as well as my running. See, it is a win win situation.
Happy Wednesday!


Jenna said...

You're so inspiring!! Pushing 28lbs in the stroller would be no easy feat at all! Especially while running!!! It's so obvious that all of your dedication is really paying off too by the results of your body! Keep it up and you'll be the best looking lady at that wedding next year!

Shelze said...

Thanks Jenna for your kind words! I pushed M again last night, was able to do longer running with shorter catch my breath breaks, and I even managed to take a minute off per mile from Tuesday. When life gives me lemons, I choose to make lemonade, not cry over the gift! Have a great day!